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Amorphophallus discophorus

Amorphophallus discophorus

Regular price $20.00 USD
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Amorphophallus discophorus Seeds

Amorphophallus discophorus, like its relatives in the genus, possesses a unique and striking flowers of a plantinflorescence structure. The flowers of a plantinflorescence consists of a fleshy spike of minute flowersspadix, which is a central spike that can vary in color but is often creamy white or pale yellow, and a a sheathing modified leaf partly enclosing flowersspathe, a large, leaf-like bract that surrounds and often partially envelops the fleshy spike of minute flowersspadix. The a sheathing modified leaf partly enclosing flowersspathe can display different hues, from greenish to reddish or purplish tones.

The plant's overall appearance can sometimes be mistaken for a single "flower," but in reality, the flowers of a plantinflorescence contains many tiny flowers on the fleshy spike of minute flowersspadix.

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