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Anderson Tropicals

Couepia longipendula "Castanha de galinha"

Couepia longipendula "Castanha de galinha"

Regular price $30.00 USD
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Couepia longipendula "Castanha de galinha" Seeds

 Castanha de galinha is an evergreen tree with an elongated, pyramidal canopy of a treecrown; it can grow 4 - 30 meters or more tall. The erect the trunk of a treebole can be 10 - 40cm in diameter. The nut-like seeds are eaten raw or cooked. The seed has a pleasant flavor which changes over time. It resembles Brazil nuts and pomegranate pips when fresh, becoming more Brazil nut-like after a short storage, tasting more date-like after a few weeks. The seed is usually roasted. 

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