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Inga spectabilis "Machete Ice Cream Bean"

Inga spectabilis "Machete Ice Cream Bean"

Regular price $12.00 USD
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Inga spectabilis "Machete Ice Cream Bean" Seeds

Inga spectabilis, also known as the "Machete Ice Cream Bean" or ice cream bean tree, is a species of tree native to South and Central America, but is now widely cultivated in many tropical regions around the world.

The tree can grow up to 25 meters tall and produces large, elongated seed pods that are filled with a sweet, cottony pulp. The pulp has a creamy, ice cream-like texture and a sweet, slightly tangy flavor, hence the common name of the tree.

In addition to its culinary use, Inga spectabilis has several traditional medicinal uses among growing in a particular place; nativeindigenous communities, including treating infections, inflammation, and skin conditions. The bark and leaves of the tree also have medicinal properties and have been used to treat various ailments, including malaria and diarrhea.

The tree is relatively easy to grow and is highly adaptable to a variety of soil types and growing conditions. It is also a valuable agroforestry species, as it provides shade and nutrients to other crops grown beneath its canopy.

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