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Lecointea amazonica

Lecointea amazonica

Regular price $25.00 USD
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Lecointea amazonica Seeds

Lecointea amazonica is an evergreen tree native to the tropical Americas, ranging from southeastern Mexico through Central America to Brazil and Bolivia. It typically reaches up to 25 meters in height and is characterized by a deeply furrows or groovesfluted trunk. The tree thrives in wet forests, often on sandy soils that are periodically inundated, at or near sea level. Its sweetly scented white flowers give way to spherical fruits that mature to a yellow hue. The fruit's soft flesh offers a sweet-sour flavor and is consumed locally. The durable, fine-textured wood is used for tool handles, cabinetwork, and construction, though its deeply furrows or groovesfluted trunk can make processing challenging. Additionally, a yellow, aromatic essential oil is extracted from the roots.

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