Plinia sp. "Peluda do Mucuri Blue Velvet" - GERMINATED
Plinia sp. "Peluda do Mucuri Blue Velvet" - GERMINATED
Plinia sp. "Peluda do Mucuri Blue Velvet" - GERMINATED Seeds
Plinia sp. "Peluda do Mucuri Blue Velvet" is a species of Jaboticaba with small fruits measuring 2.5-3 cm. The fruit has a dark purple color and is flattened at the poles. The fruit's surface is covered with a velvety a covering of trichomes (fine hairs)indumentum, similar to the cross-haired jabuticaba (Plinia spirito-santensis), but without a scar at the the highest point or vertex of a plant stemapex. The fruit's The outermost leaves/petals/carpels/stamens of the flowercalyx is persistent.
This Jaboticaba has an excellent flavor that is equal to or slightly superior to its cousin from Espírito Santo. It is considered a superior fruit to the famous jabuticaba-sabará (Plinia jaboticaba) in its region of origin, where it occurs as a cultivated plant.
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